Verify date of birth using name and address for residents of the United States and United Kingdom.
Verify age using only a US mobile phone number with BlueCheck along with confidence score of identity ownership.
Verify photo ID documents including Driver's Licenses, Passports, and ID cards from all over the world.
Verify age for citizens of Mexico using only the national identifier, CURP. Instructions for API use are below.
Verify customers date of birth using the last four digits of a US social security number.
1-click installation for a native Shopify app integration. Please refer to the Docs for additional product information.
Direct download for WooCommerce plugin. Please refer to the docs link below for specific installation instructions and advice.
Installation instructions for BigCommerce e-commerce stores to activate BlueCheck Age Verificaiton.
Magento 2.xx installation instructions for BlueCheck Age Verification. Please follow the installation link below to get started.
Installation instructions for Volusion e-commerce stores to active and install BlueCheck Age Verification.
Installation directions for Shift 4 Shop e-commerce stores to activate BlueCheck Age Verification
Age Verification plugin for Lightspeed Point-of-Sale retail system